Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Profile of An Editor

Over the course of their life, many people may wonder if they made the right career choice. Not many of them will put in over thirty years at one field, let alone the same company. For Hasso Hering, that story is different.

Hasso Hering is the editor of the Albany Democrat Herald, the local paper of Albany, Oregon. Hailing, originally from Germany, Hering became a naturalized U.S. citizen and has been in the U.S. since 1963. For just about the entire time he has been with the Albany Democrat-Herald, Hering has held that position. Moving from Ashland, Ore, Hering came to the Albany area in 1977. Within a year of starting on the Herald, he was moved up to Editor.

Starting as early as high school, Hering was involved with journalism, although he didn't know much about the field. An interest in history pulled him away from it for a time but he had found his calling lied with journalism. In 1964, Hering got his real start in journalism working on the Van Nuys News based out of Los Angeles.

Going on to Cal State Northridge, Hering was able to get his bachelor of arts in journalism. Following graduation in 1967, Hering made his way to Ashland, Ore. The winter after the move, a job working at the Ashland Daily Tidings was presented for Hering. Within the next year, he had moved his way up to Editor.

In 1977, Hering made another move further north to Albany. And here he has made his home for the last thirty-three years. Much like his career in Ashland, Hering worked for the DH for just one year before being bumped up to editor.

Hasso has stated that he loves the area that he is in. Working at the Democrat-Herald, he tries to put out a quality paper that the readers will enjoy, focusing on a lot of local events and concerns. He and his wife Kathleen (who is a retired Oregon school administrator) have two grown sons.

When asked about his view of journalism today, as opposed to when he started, Hering stated it's a lot rougher today. In the past, beginners would typically start at a weekly paper then move their way up till they are content with the position and the place they live (just like he is). However, with some smaller news folding and being cut, opportunities are different.
With the exception of radio and television, Hering believes that those fields are much harder to get into than traditional news. With today's technology, one starting their own publication or website is possible but may not prove to be a good living.

For those who want to get into journalism, Hering stated that there are couple key points: You should have a general curiosity of how the world works. You should want to know about local events. The best part of journalism is being able to tell someone's story and call attention to things that are important, so an interest in the community is important. Finally, some good old fashioned smarts can't hurt. Coming from a man that has found success in the same field for over thirty years, those are good points.

(At a Glance: Hasso Hering; Editor of Albany Democrat Herald 32 years; Graduated from California State Northridge 1967; Previous Journalism experience: Van Nuys News (Los Angeles), Ashland Daily Tidings (Ashland, Ord) editor; Contact at hasso.hering@lee.net)

(Reference: http://www.leg.state.or.us/pcol/biographies.htm Thursday, July 27, 2006 "Public Commission on the Oregon Legislative" Hasso Hering)

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