Monday, May 3, 2010

Kay Ryan Spreading Culture to LB

Some people may not have heard of Kay Ryan. But those in the Poetry Club know all too well who she is. And they can't wait for her to get here.

During the second week of May, Kay Ryan, who is the National Poet Laureate, will be making stops in Oregon to promote her new book. Among those stops is Linn-Benton Community College. May 12 and 13, Ryan will being holding a Question and Answer session for the local community and the students of LBCC.
Ryan is the United States' sixteenth Poet Laureate. In Autumn of 2008, the title was given to Ryan and May 2010 marks the final month for the title for her. Kay Ryan is an advocate for community colleges. Graduating from Antelope Valley College in Lancaster, Cal, Ryan went on to teach at other community colleges. Along with being an instructor, Ryan has received the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize in 2004, one of the most prestigious awards for American poets.

Many of Ryan's poems have appeared in the magazine "Poetry." Critics have compared Ryan's poetry to the likes of Marianne Moore and Emily Dickinson in the way she uses sly wit and off beat wisdom. Poet and critic stated "Ryan reminds us of the suggestive power of poetry–how it elicits and rewards the reader’s intellect...1"

Ryan's newest book, "The Best of it" will be the topic of discussion for the events in May. Along with LB, Ryan will be heading down to Lane Community College to talk about her book. Scheduled for 4 PM, the event on Wednesday May 12 will be a more formal setting. Being held in the Russell Tripp Performance Center, Ryan will be reading from her book. Also, there will be a Q and A and book signing afterward. The event should be about ninety minutes.

The following day, May 13, Kay Ryan will be holding a less formal discussion. Geared more towards students, the event will be held in the Library Reading Room starting promptly at 9:30 AM and going till 11. Coffee and pastries will be given out to those who attend the discussion.

Instructor Robin Havenick will be hosting the events. According to Havenick, a Poet Laureate is someone who "celebrates poetry". They "stand for poetry." An American Lit teacher and the Poetry Club adviser, Havenick was excited about the idea of the nation's Poet Laureate coming to LB. She includes Ryan's works into her lessons. Along with LB's own poet laureate, Amy Earls, and the Poetry Advisory Committee, Havenick put together an invitational package back in December of 2009. In February, the package was sent out to Ryan's agents.

Included in the package was a poem by Amy Earls. Her "poetry is just beautiful..amazing" was Earls' opinion of Ryan's work. Being LB's poet laureate has given Earls a unique connection to Ryan and what she does. Earls stated it's "really neat to have something" like this at LB. "I admire the position of the US Poet Laureate."

At the suggestion of Robin Havenick, any one who wants to attend either event should familiarize themselves with the works of Kay Ryan. Both events are free, open to the public and promise to be fun.

"At a Glance: Kay Ryan- 16th United States Poet Laureate, Author of "The Best of it", "Say Uncle"; Q and A/Book Signing- Lecturing on "The Best of it"; When- Russel Tripp Performance Center May 12 4pm, Library Reading Room May 13 9:30am-11am; Cost- Free, open to public (coffee and pastries available May 13 only)

(Reference 1:

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